World Tool Việt Nam | Astro Products Air Needle Scaler MW2149560 | HTGoods
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World Tool 2004000009290">

Thông tin sản phẩm

No-load blow count: 4000bpm
Usage consumption: 113L/min
Needle: φ3mm x 12
Total length (mm): 350 (including needle)
Using air pressure (MPa): 0.62
h1 style="color:white;">World Tool 2004000009290

World Tool Việt Nam | Astro Products Air Needle Scaler MW2149560

Thương hiệu: World Tool
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
  • A needle scaler that can easily remove paint and rust by vibrating multiple needle-shaped chisels.
  • No-load blow count: 4000bpm
  • Usage consumption: 113L/min
  • Needle: φ3mm x 12 pieces
  • Total length (mm): 350 (including needle)
  • Using air pressure (MPa): 0.62

World Tool 2004000009290

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Thông tin sản phẩm

No-load blow count: 4000bpm
Usage consumption: 113L/min
Needle: φ3mm x 12
Total length (mm): 350 (including needle)
Using air pressure (MPa): 0.62
h1 style="color:white;">World Tool 2004000009290
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