Nitoms Việt Nam | Nitoms Gap Tape (2 rolls) MW4417534 | HTGoods
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Thông tin sản phẩm

Apparent density: 20kg/(M3)
A cutter is required for cutting
Color: Gray
Width (mm): 15
Length (m): 2
Thickness (mm) : 10
Adhesive strength (N/10mm): 2.35
Can be made separately

Nitoms E0220

Nitoms Việt Nam | Nitoms Gap Tape (2 rolls) MW4417534

Thương hiệu: Nitoms
Còn hàng
Liên hệ
  • Prevents drafts and dust and improves heating and cooling effects.
  • This is a value pack of 2 volumes.
  • For preventing drafts and dust from entering.

Nitoms E0220

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Apparent density: 20kg/(M3)
A cutter is required for cutting
Color: Gray
Width (mm): 15
Length (m): 2
Thickness (mm) : 10
Adhesive strength (N/10mm): 2.35
Can be made separately

Nitoms E0220

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