TBN | TSN 25 | - Cờ lê cân lực GEDORE - # 431415 (Made in Germany) | HTGoods
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TBN | TSN 25 | - Cờ lê cân lực GEDORE - # 431415

Thương hiệu: GEDORE
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Built in overload protection - mechanical stop up to 25% overload of max. value. Display is accurate to ± 4% of the displayed value, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 6789, based on national standards. 

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Mã đặt hàng Thông số

Type:  TBN 2 50V

Dải cân lực: 0.4....2 N.m

Đầu vặn: 1/4“inch


Type:  TBN 10 50V

Dải cân lực: 1....10 N.m

Đầu vặn: 1/4“inch


Type:  TSN 25 D 50V

Dải cân lực: 5.....25 N.m

Đầu vặn: 1/4“inch


Type:  TSN 25 A 50V

Dải cân lực: 5....25 N.m

Đầu vặn: 3/8"inch

Gedore Torque TBN/TSN, 50-volt insulation, without scale, requires setting with a torque tester, designed for use in low-voltage and other battery applications where protection of up to 50 volts is required, compact design for small spaces, double-layered, non-conductive PVC insulation. Minimises the risk of production errors caused by short circuits, arcs or other electrical damage. With factory test certificate


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